Sunday 13 February 2011

Have a lot of deep times antinomy and problem Ji to need to be been canning solve for"25" periodses

Everywhere how should to sexual harassment
Shaanxi:Whistling to make sheep eyes to belong to sexual harassment is complained.
Jiangxi:At will delivering "Hun segment son" for female may eat lawsuit.(Source:Evening newspaper in Chongqing)
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
Recently, the Chinese People is Political Consultative Conference Economic Committee holds financial salon in the people is livelihood bank and surrounds concerning some problems that deepen a financial system to reforms in 《in the total center concerning the establishment national economy and the society develop the suggestion that the 12th five yearses program 》 to carry on studying and discussing.
The form that adopts financial salon, organizes financial profession member of committee and invite government related section representative director and expert to deepen a financial system to reform to wait point problem to carry on thorough study and discuss, is Chinese People is Political Consultative Conference Economic Committee to develop an oneself financial profession wealth of talent advantage, surround innovation of general situation, service center work with beneficial try.Study and discuss in this salon in, the member of committees speak without any inhibition and carried on a thorough discussion at present to some problems of financial realm deep times.Think the financial China system reformed these in the last yearses to make very big progress, bank, stock certificate and insurance industry quickly development, the financial property quality continuously raises, the financial system is gradually perfect, the financial reform quickly pushes forward, the finance takes charge of to continue to strengthen, and the finance outward opens steady extension.But should also see at present the international financial realm risk continuously enlarge, American amount of second run turns a relaxed policy to cause world the mobility excess, international capital alignment and way add complicated and external background more under, for still be placed in Chinese financial industry of entry-level development stage to say, have a lot of deep times antinomy and problem Ji to need to be been canning solve for"25" periodses.In order to deepen financial system reform, the member of committees put forward the following suggestion:

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